Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tool # 4

1. Google Docs link:

2. Done

3. The Google Docs eases the way people work together to create or improve ideas or knowledge.
The Google reader enhances the way people acquire knowledge by accessing daily news of as specific information as wanted.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tool 2

1. Engaging in conversations in a documented way, increases the easiness and speed of acquiring knowledge and expanding on ideas, thus leading to an increased wisdom of everyone, because it is easier to know where you are going when you know where you have been.

2. That people have the opportunity to comment whenever they are ready in turns of time and knowledge, and this will lead to a higher quality conversation.

3. The blogs I selected were from: Le Mans, Laura Gonzalez, Assael Gúzman, Kathy Keenan, and Pam Brennan